Growing old is a difficult process. I am half a century old. Gosh! I can be a museum artifact. Some of you may be older or younger but whatever stage you may be in, I am sure you have had to take care of an older member of the family, be it your parents, grandparents or relatives.
This morning, I was chatting with my former classmate via FB and we were reminiscing about our school days and how in time to come, each of us will go, one by one. Both of us agreed that this is the time to reconnect with our friends and loved ones so that before we die, at least we have mended bridges or said whatever we did not say but should have said in the past.
Then we started talking about our parents. Alexandra used to sit in front of me in class and as I visited her often, I remember her mom and grandmom fondly. So that put me in a very sentimental mood as I have been thinking of my parents a lot. It has been 37 years since my mom passed away and I still remember the last week of her life as if it just happened yesterday. And it has been almost four years since my father died. And I really miss them so. :-(
The dam burst when I watched this video that Angela sent me today. It really made me realize what might befall me when I get old, feeble, and cannot blog any more, cannot talk or walk etc. I sent it to my sons. My older boy was very touched and messaged me on FB and then I called him. My younger one will only be home at 5pm.
Watch this VIDEO AT THIS LINK and be touched.
Cherish, treasure the moments/memories ....
Live, love and touch others with your life....
We only have one life. Let's live it to the fullest and always love, respect, cherish our parents, grandparents, children and loved ones.
Take care and do share your thoughts. Thanks!